Baboons are very social

Ask any group of parents their opinions on how best to raise children and you’ll likely get an extremely wide variety of answers. After all, all children develop and thrive differently, parenting styles are as numerous as the stars. However, one thing many parents do seem to agree on is that once their child hits the teenage years, all bets are off and you can throw away any methods that may have worked in the past. Teenagers are often viewed by their elders as moody, unpredictable, uncommunicative, and it’s considered wise to approach them with caution. Not unlike an animal in the wild. Or even more specifically, like a baboon. Does that seem like a harsh comparison? Well then, consider these facts.
Baboons are well known to be very social creatures, doing many daily activities in groups. Likewise, social activity begins to become more prominent and more important during the teenage years. As they begin driving and dating, teens gain more freedom to see friends and choose where to spend their time. Some teenagers consider their social life to be tantamount to anything else.