Why do we yawn?

With most bodily functions, it’s fairly easy to see why we evolved to perform them. Burping releases gas that would cause discomfort or harm to our bodies. Throwing up makes it possible to expel toxins in order to ensure we survive. Yawning, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have a clear reason.
We are not the only animals that yawn; most, if not all, mammals do it. Some species, humans included, even yawn as a result of seeing others yawn. However, there’s no scientific explanation on how yawning benefits our bodies.
The current leading explanation is that yawning might be a mechanism to help cool down the brain. The idea is that the air may work to help cool down your brain when it overheats. However, there hasn’t been any proof to it.
Another common explanation suggests that yawning is more of a social mechanism than a physical one. Evidence includes the way people (and sometimes animals) “catch” yawns from one another. Even though this is a fairly strong theory, no proof has surfaced showing this as the true reason we yawn.