
15 Weird Mysteries Science Still Hasn’t Explained

What happened with the “WOW” signal?

What happened with the “WOW” signal?
WOW! source


Speaking of aliens, one of the most commonly-cited bits of scientific evidence suggesting aliens’ existence is the “WOW” signal. This was a radio signal intercepted from a Delaware-based radio telescope in 1977. 

The signal came from a distant star system, lasted a total of 37 seconds, and had an insanely powerful frequency of 1420 megahertz. This signal was such a strong radio burst, it stood out beyond any other radio signal ever found in space.

Nothing like it was ever heard in the universe before or after it. It was so unique, the astronomer who heard the signal literally wrote down the word “WOW!” next to the signal, giving it the name we now use today.

No one knows what created the “WOW” signal. If it was a space event, it had to be a very serious one that remains to be seen. If it was aliens, it’s clear they were using a powerful transmitter for their network. The jury’s still out on it.