It’s a fact that at this point in our society, cell phones as nearly as integral a part of life as food, water, and sleep. Your 80 year old grandparents have one. Your 10 year old niece has one. Even that odd guy from down the street who likes to think he lives “off the grid” has one. They have become very much an extension of our beings, with a large percentage of the population claiming “they couldn’t live without them.” (For a certain age groups, cell phones were described as “not just a novelty, but a way of life.)
However, as the number of cell phones, and the time we spend on them, continues to rise, more and more information is being gathered that shows the negative impact of their use on our mental well being. New studies, from a variety of sources, are frequently released regarding the correlation between cell phone use and mental health, with many of the end results being similar, and concerning. These are just a few of the effects you could be feeling if your screen time is too high.