How to ruin somebody’s childhood in 10 seconds? Tell them that Curious George never had a tail, Mister Rogers’ theme song goes differently than most people think, and a genie movie starring Sinbad NEVER existed. After they stop arguing with you and ask why you’re doing this to them, just blame the Mandela Effect.
The “Mandela Effect” is a phenomenon that occurs when large groups of people believe something happened a certain way, even when all evidence points to them being wrong. It was discovered by paranormal researcher Fiona Broome in 2010, after she discovered that “perhaps thousands” of others shared her false memory that Nelson Mandela had died in the 1980s – though he lived until 2013.
The concept is widely discussed by researchers – with many believing it to be proof of alternate realities, or perhaps even time travelers who have gone back and slightly altered the past (Stewie Griffin, is that you?). Of course, others think it’s just a bad memory, and there’s nothing else to it – but we totally disagree. Read on for 10 reasons why the Mandela Effect is totally real!